The Planning Department provides professional advice to Council and Committees relating to:
- Long range planning issues, such as the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry’s (SDG) Official Plan, Zoning Bylaw and Provincial Policy Statement.
- Applications before the Committee of Adjustment regarding minor variances.
- Applications before the Site Plan Control Team and Council regarding site plan approvals.
The North Dundas Planning Division is responsible ensuring compliance with SDG’s Official Plan which provides policy and guidelines for private development, and for municipal infrastructure improvements. In accordance with the Planning Act, all of Council’s bylaws approving development, as well as public works, must conform with the Official Plan and the Provincial Policy Statement (2020). Planning Staff are also responsible for the Township’s Zoning Bylaws which implements the Official Plan by establishing specific land use regulations.
We provide advice to developers and property owners with respect to site plan control approvals for multiple residential, commercial and industrial projects, servicing agreements, zoning, severances/consents, and plans of condominium and subdivision. It is the function of the Planning Division to advise Council of the appropriateness of a proposed development. The Planning Division conducts an extensive review of all proposed development.