Zoning plans on paper

Zoning Bylaw

Zoning Bylaws are a set of regulations that govern land uses that implement the policies set out in the Official Plan. Zoning Bylaws dictate what type of development can occur on a property, building setbacks, development restrictions, lot size and dimensions, parking requirements, landscaping and buffering, accessory buildings and much more.

Currently the Township of North Dundas has four Zoning Bylaws for the two former Townships of Mountain and Winchester and two former Villages of Chesterville and Winchester. Township planners are currently working on a Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw to replace the four existing Bylaws. In order to obtain the zoning information about your property, please contact Planning staff at 613-774-2105 ext.292.

For additional information on zoning bylaws, access the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing’s Citizen’s Guide to Zoning Bylaws.

Zoning Amendment

A zoning amendment is a process in which a property owner can apply to add or change a use on their land. All zoning amendments must be in conformity with the Official Plan. Zoning Amendments are decided by Council, and are subject to a Public Meeting. Before filling out a zoning amendment application, it is advisable to meet with Township Staff. 

Application Forms for the various zoning amendments listed below can be found on the Township's website under Planning Forms.

Garden Suite

A garden suite is a temporary allowable use for an additional accessory dwelling unit on a property on which a residential dwelling already exists. Garden suites are enacted as a temporary bylaw (for a maximum of 20 years under the Planning Act), and are therefore subjected to a zoning amendment.

Temporary Use Bylaw

Temporary Use Bylaws add a use or seek a change in use for land, building or structures that is otherwise prohibited by the Zoning Bylaw. A temporary use bylaw is enacted for a set period of time (maximum of 3 years). Once the time period expires, the zoning reverts back to the original zoning on that land, or through another zoning amendment to rezone the property to continue the temporary use permanently.

Zoning Setback Requirements

Before a permit is issued, the site plan for the proposed building/structure is used to determine zoning compliance. To access information to assist with ensuring that all specifications within the Zoning Bylaw are met, call the Planning staff at 613-774-2105 ext.292.

Flood Plain, Drainage System and River Setbacks

The Township sets out specific setback requirements when building near or within a flood plain, drainage system or river. The Township’s Zoning Bylaw sets out the requirements for development within or near these natural features.

County Road Setbacks

The United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry have setback requirements when building on a property that abuts a County Road. Please contact the County to ensure that you meet their setback requirement if your property abuts a County Road.  

What is a zoning compliance letter and how can I get one?

A zoning compliance letter is written letter of confirmation of a land use, building or structure on a specific property. Compliance letters can also be obtained to determine if there are any outstanding work orders or violations against a property and other applicable requirements. In order to request a compliance letter, contact the Planning staff at 613-774-2105 ext.292. Fees are applicable.