Council Code of Conduct Complaint Form

Person Submitting Complaint:


Member(s) to Whom the Complaint Pertains:

Details of Complaint:

I have reasonable and probable ground to believe that the following section or sections of the Code of Conduct have been contravened by the above noted Member(s) (please review the Code of Conduct and describe the section(s) that apply):
Describe what facts support your complaint.  Attach additional pages and/or documents if needed.
Maximum 3 files.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
Sign above
Council Code of Conduct Complaints are submitted pursuant to the provisions of North Dundas Policy 71-2018 (adopted by By-Law 2108-32).  Please submit your complaint to the Clerk of the Township of North Dundas for forwarding to the Integrity Commissioner.

Payment in the amount of $125.00 payable to the Township of North Dundas (refundable should the application be denied) shall accompany this application.
Upon submission of your completed form, please call the Township of North Dundas at 613-774-2105 to process payment, or visit us in person at 636 St. Lawrence Street, Winchester, Ontario K0C 2K0.