With the Olympics now underway, North Dundas is celebrating its own Gold medal win.
The Township’s new website took home a prestigious dotCOMM award. The international competition recognizes excellence in web creativity and digital communication.
Mayor Tony Fraser says the new website is making township information more readily available to the people of North Dundas and beyond. “It’s a similar format to what most of us are used to,” he noted. “I’m very happy to have the new website moving into the future.”
The dotCOMM awards are administered by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals, which is an international organization consisting of several thousand industry professionals. The categories focus on the web’s evolving tools, including interactivity, content and design.
The new website, designed by UpanUp, was created to be more accessible and user-friendly.
Deputy Mayor Allan Armstrong says he’s excited about the new website. He noted it’s easy to use and geared towards the average person.
The dotCOMM awards offer third-party recognition from one of the most highly-regarded evaluators of creative work in the world. Winning a dotCOMM award signifies that the recipient’s web and digital work is among the best in the industry.
Photo courtesy North Dundas. North Dundas Mayor Tony Fraser and Deputy Mayor Allan Armstrong show off the Township’s new website, following the dotCOMM Awards announcement.
Stephen Mann