Notice of Public Meeting: Proposed Changes to Building Permit Fees - Tues, May 16th at 6:30pm

April 18, 2023





TAKE NOTICE that the Department of Planning, Building and By-law Services will hold a public meeting on May 16th, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Township Municipal Office at 636 St. Lawrence St., Winchester, in order to consider proposed changes to the building permit fees imposed under Section 7 of the Building Code Act. 

PURPOSE AND EFFECT – The Township of North Dundas has conducted a review of the building permit fees under Section 7(b) of the Building Code Act. The effect is to increase fees to create a greater cost recovery for the Township. Based on the 2022 Annual Report, it was recommended that building fees be increased to limit the burden on general taxation. 

ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed fees. Any written comments are to be submitted prior to May 11th, 2023, and addressed to the following person:

Nancy Johnston
Director of Corporate Services/Clerk
636 St. Lawrence Street, P.O. Box 489, 
Winchester, ON K0C 2K0

Such written submissions will be circulated to Council in advance of the public meeting.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION will be provided at the meeting on the estimated costs of enforcing and administering the Building Code Act, the amount of the proposed fees, and the rationale for changing (and/or imposing) fees. More information regarding the current fee schedule, and/or the proposed changes to the Building Permit Fee schedule can be found on our our website.

You can attend the meeting in person in Council Chambers at the Township office at 636 St. Lawrence St, Winchester without preregistration. You can also watch the meeting live on the Township’s YouTube channel.

A representative from the Township of North Dundas will be available to discuss the proposed fee changes and answer questions and receive comments. 

For further information, please contact the Chief Building Official at 613-774-2105 extension 243 or by emailing

Dated at the Township of North Dundas this 17th day of April, 2023.

Nancy Johnston, MBA
Director of Corporate Services/Clerk
Township of North Dundas
636 St. Lawrence Street, P.O. Box 489, 
Winchester, ON K0C 2K0
P:  (613) 774-2105 x 226
F:  (613) 774-5699